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Blue and Gold


Help make the DC Eagles a force in the USAFL.

Become a Supporter Member and get some great benefits!

Supporter Membership


A DC Eagles Football Club Supporter Membership offers all social benefits of being a full athletic member as well as access to member perks and updates.

Become a member

Step 1. Complete Registration

    Thanks for making the decision to support the DC Eagles Australian Football Club for our 2022 season! We just need a bit more information so we can provide member benefits to you.

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    Step 2. Purchase Membership


    The DC Eagles are proud to be partners with the following organizations:

    Crystal City Sports Pub

    Become a Partner of the DC Eagles

    If you or your company are interested in becoming a partner or major sponsor of the DC Eagles Football Club (501(c)(3)), we would love to hear from you via the form below.

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    © 2018 DC Eagles Football Club.