Out of Stock

Concession Membership


A DC Eagles FC Concession Membership* offers the following:

  1. Eligibility to play all USAFL and EAFL Games
  2. Access to Partner and Sponsor Discounts (see below)
  3. Access to DC Social Metro League
  4. 10% discount on Official DC Eagles Merchandise
  5. Access to Members section of dceaglesfc.com

Playing for the DC Eagles Australian Football Club is conditional on every player signing and adhering to a player code of conduct policy and waiver. View the full Player Code of Conduct and Waiver.


  • Balance Gym Membership (Eagle Booster Membership – $15 off gym membership rate, $30 off CrossFit rates)
  • Arlington Nutrition Corner (10% off purchases, free shipping for phone orders)
  • The Cakeroom on 18th St NW (10% off purchases)
  • Whiskey Ginger (10% off purchases)
  • Fuse Pilates ($10 Mat Class, $10 Ladder Class, $25 Reformer Class)
  • More to come.

* Available only to students or unemployed.

Become a member

Step 1. Complete Player Registration

    Thanks for making the decision to join the DC Eagles Australian Football Club for season 2019. We just need a bit more information before you take the field.

    [expandsub2 title="Player Details" rel="sub-form" startwrap="" endwrap=""]



    [expandsub2 title="Emergency Point of Contact" rel="sub-form" startwrap="" endwrap=""]


    [expandsub2 title="DC Eagles Australian Football Club Code of Conduct and Waiver" rel="sub-form" startwrap="" endwrap=""]

    I pledge to abide by the DC Eagles Australian Football Club Players Code of Conduct (READ IN FULL). If I am deemed to have breached the Code of Conduct by DC Eagles Australian Football Club officials, I agree to penalties determined by the club, including the possible revocation of my membership. I understand that the DC Eagles Australian Football Club assumes no responsibility for injuries or illness which I may sustain resulting from participation in any athletic activities, sports programs, the use of any equipment, exercise or other activities run by the club. I expressly acknowledge on behalf of myself and my heirs that I assume the risk for any and all injuries and illnesses which may result from participation in these activities. I hereby release and discharge the DC Eagles Australian Football Club, its agents, servants and employees from any and all claims for injury, illness, death, loss or damage, which I may suffer as a result of my participation in these activities. I give my permission to the DC Eagles Australian Football Club to use indefinitely, without limitation or obligation, photographs, film footage or tape recordings which may include my image or voice for purpose of promoting Australian Rules football and the DC Eagles Australian Football Club. By clicking the below checkbox, I agree to the pledge and waiver set forth above.

    I agree to the DC Eagles Australian Football Club Code of Conduct and Waiver set forth as above.

    [/expandsub2] ...

    Step 2. Purchase Membership

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